Forum Discussion

TGeppert's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Newline changed when switching to the from editor


I’m using SoapUI Pro 4.6.4. I have many TestSteps with newline (line feed (LF) and carriage return (CR)). In an xml request message the newline contains two whitespace characters (
However, when I switch to the form editor and back to the XML editor, SoapUI changes the structure and there is only one whitespace character instead of two. Unfortunately, this causes my tests to fail, because they depend on the correct character spans.

Best regards,


3 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Are you able to export your request showing the problem (right click in the xml editor and select Save-as)? I switched from the Form editor to the XML editor with no modification of the xml. White space characters in hex are 20 20, and using a hex editor I see those still in tact.

    SmartBear Support
  • roglesby's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    We are seeing a similar issue.

    If we copy an XML request that has empty nodes into XML view (ie <node/>) we can execute the request with a successful response.

    We can jump into the outline or raw view and back to XML view with no change, and still get a successful response upon execution.

    However, when we move to the form view the empty nodes become replaced by empty lines causing the test to fail do to contract mismatch.

    A significant issue when I just convinced my manager to purchase 20 licenses.

    before form view
    <ns1:FileEncryption xmlns:ns1 = "http://someurlpath">

    after form view
    <ns1:FileEncryption xmlns:ns1 = "http://someurlpath">

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Please try the following and see if it resolves the issue.

    In SoapUI Pro go to File -> Preferences -> SoapUI Pro and change the default request editor to Source. Then restart SoapUI Pro.

    SmartBear Support