Forum Discussion
Return of the MissingMethodException: This was the title of the initial post, but the problem / issue is Auto-incrementing a parameter in an xml payload. Here is working code for the Groovy editor, new to this script is addition of the XMLHolder library to update xml files:
import //assists transfer'g values to payload
def ReferenceID = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("ReferenceID");
ReferenceID = ReferenceID.toInteger() + 1;
if (ReferenceID < 990000) {
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("ReferenceID", ReferenceID.toString());
} context.expand ('${#TestCase#ReferenceID}')
// Create script to update the XML payload and auto-increment it for the next req
def RefID = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("ReferenceId"); // Create object for incrementing payload value
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("RefID", ${RefID.toInteger() + 1}); // NOW GETTING A 'MISSING METHOD EXCEPTION' error here
def xmlAdd = new XmlHolder(RefID) //Create object for xmlHolder class
xmlAdd.setNodeValue("//std:FSMSHeader/std:ReferenceId",RefID); // xpath to target param
def newAddXml = xmlAdd.getXml(); // Update the param
// Update the Custom Properties Values for the next request
Any advice on how to clear the Missing Method Exception Above?
Also, obviously the payload.xml file has been updated as follows:
- richie3 years agoCommunity Hero
Hey wiseAcre
It seems like this is getting waaaaaaaaaay more complicated than it needs to be. Are you using ReadyAPI! or SoapUI?
You don't really need the tail end of the script - once you've incremented the RefID value, can't you just use the GetData function to do the work for you of picking up the incremented value?
Don't understand
Can you just explain (again) your use case - forgive me - but from what I understand, you just need to increment an existing ref id for a subsequent request which doesnt need anywhere near all that groovy - you just need a little bit.
So can you just explain from scratch exactly what you want to do.
i.e. is the ReferenceID generated from the testcase's previous response or is it hardcoded to a TestCase property at the start?
are you passing this incremented ReferenceId to another teststep within the same testcase OR do you need this incremented RefId for a teststep in another testcase?
Can you just describe the teststep hierarchy you have in your testcases at the moment (list what test steps you have in your testcase and the sequence of the steps)?
Sorry - I need to go back to basics to make sure I'm not misunderstanding. I'm pretty literal with no imagination so I need to make sure I really understand what you need before I can fix your groovy/come up with an approach where you dont need too much groovy.
nice one,
- wiseAcre3 years agoOccasional Contributor
This is my first experience using Groovy scripts and setting up a load test with multiple test steps, I've been using a Udemy course on Webservices/Rest API Testing so I have what I can only assume is a good reference. That said, the course does not cover all, here is my use case:
1. Eight test step requests from Oracle OIBEE projects have been gathered to form a Load Performance Test Suite
2. Each test step's payload.xml file needs to have the ReferenceID value incremented each time a request is sent otherwise the system will error and it will not be processed (nor assigned a TransactionID).
3. I have Groovy script incrementing the ReferenceID in the groovy console, solution was found on Stackoverflow as noted.
4. Now I need to sync the script with the payload.xml so each time I send a request from the test step itself, the RefID auto-increments. Currently, if I increment the Script and then execute a Request, the ReferenceID is incremented, but if I do NOT increment the Script and then execute a Request, the new Request shows the same ReferenceID as the previous one, though the TransactionID does increment, but that request is errored.
5. Finally, after my script is functioning, I'll use it in all 8 of the test steps so when I throw off a Load Test with the 8 test steps all of the requests will at least process to the extent that each request will be assigned a new Reference & TransactionID, whether they error in a system if they overload is another issue, but not my concern.
Thanks for your interest.
- richie3 years agoCommunity HeroHey wiseAcre,
Just to be clear, i wasnt criticising your groovy, it just looked like a lot of it was superfluous to requirements which made me think i was misunderstanding something.
More questions:
Q1. What is the datatype and minlength and maxlength of the ReferenceId
Q2. Does the ReferenceId have to be incremented or does it just need to be unique?
Q3. Going on memory here cos im on my phone. In the original script you had an if clause something like 'if ReferenceId > 999000'. Can you just explain what this value was and what the purpose of the if clause was supposed to do?
When you say the