8 years agoContributor
missing several packages from eviware - groovy allows only SoapUI, model, and support.
Made a mistake by posting this in open source SoapUI. (moderators, there should be a way for moving posts between discussion groups). Anyway here is my problem: I am using Ready! API 2.0 and...
- 8 years agoI put a ticket in. The answer I got is that some of the objects have late binding and won't appear in code completion.One way to load APIs, I am told is use the getContextClassLoader(): Here is an example SmartBear suggested that worked for me so com.eviweare.soapui.impl - though not appearing in code completion, was proven to work as though it is activated by late binding:import "version? " + context.getProperty( "version" )
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().addURL(new URL('file:///home/billmartin/SmartBear2/ReadyAPI-2.0.2/lib/commons-math-1.2.jar'))def number = Class.forName("org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex").newInstance(1, 2)"The real part is $number.real")I also figured out a way to update the header inside my groovy script based on seeing on some thread this code:import
def headers = new StringToStringMap()
headers.put( "Content-Type", "application/json") // Replace values with those you "Added Content-Type: application/json"request.requestHeaders = headers "headers size now: " + (request.requestHeaders.size()) request.requestHeadersI haven't come across any information about late binding in the documentation. This information might help other people to use the Ready! API SoapUI APIthanksBill