Forum Discussion

InventoryLocato's avatar
13 years ago

Making DataSink write to excel immediately


I am screen-scrapping data (xml data). I've setup my datasource, requests, property transfer, datasink, dataloop correctly (and in that order).
I've checked this that every works the way I want it to work with just a set of 10 items (if you want to know, i provide the zipcode and it gets back the weather conditions for saturday).

The data is written to my excel file and I'm happy.
Now I unleash the beast and let it go with 600,000 items (this case, zip codes). I check every now and then on the job and sees the excel file is still the same file size. When I copy and paste the excel file (the output file). It's still the same file.

I am suspecting that soapui writes to the excel file at the end of the testcase being completed. Is there a way for the datasink to be written after I made the request then loop? And yes, when I have task manager open, the soapui process is getting bigger (at least there's 4 gigs of ram). This job will be done in 10 hours so.. wish me luck. I am not using groovyscript, but if that's the way to do it, can someone supply me the groovyscript?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

  • M_McDonald's avatar
    Super Contributor
    I think that one way to do it would be to put the DataSink step into a separate test case, and call that using the 'Run TestCase' step from your main test case. Of course you would have to pass the data to the called test case and also control the starting cell on the DataSink so that previous rows would not be overwritten.
  • Good idea! I will see if that works (hopefully).

    An update on my job: completed AND DID NOT CRASH.