Forum Discussion

gkpandi's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

loadUI agent is not connected within a network


I have installed a loadUI-Agent 2.1.0 in my computer which is connected in a local area network. And then, I have started the agent. It is running successfully. When I work with loadUIPro 2.1.0, followed the steps.

1. Clicked on the New Agent option from the Component Bar
2. Application asked Agent Name and URL. At the same time, at the bottom of the popup, my machine name is displaying.
3. I added that agent (i.e my machine) in the Agents list
4. Created a VU Scenario with SoapUI Runner and Fixed-rate strategy. Rate=1, Sec=1

This is fine...My question is,

Can other machine able to connect my agent (i.e. my machine) as a Remote Agent for them? Or, give me the steps to work with loadUI-Agent within a local area network.

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