Forum Discussion

lackmoo's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Is it possible to import an external cryptography library into SoapUI?

Hi all, I have a RESTful API whose JSON request body/payload is completely encrypted using an AES algorithm and it is also base64 encoded, before the payload is sent to the server. Is it possible for me to import a cryptography library (C# based) into SoapUI and perform encryption on the JSON payload before executing the API performance test?

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    ReadyAPI supports libarary of java / groovy. I dont think C# is supported.
  • lackmoo : Not sure about C# library availability, but there is base64 encode/decode support is available in JAVA you can use the JAVA library instead.


    Let me know incase you need more help on Encryption. 🙂

    • lackmoo's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      nmrao HimanshuTayal 

      Thanks for the reply.


      Assuming that I stick to using the JAVA library, do you have an idea of how I should go about implementing the process that I had mentioned before in ReadyAPI - encrypt the payload before executing the API performance test? Is it implemented under the setup script or the functional test script or somewhere else?2