Forum Discussion
I suppose session ID = token.
- Create a property for the session ID under the Project level.
- Use groovy test step to process it if your session ID comes as part of a response data and store it to the Project Property. Ex. trim the part you need. You may refer to the code sample I have here.
- In the Headers tab of the test case, click the + icon for "Add a custom HTTP header to this session".
- Specify the name of your session ID variable.
- For the value on the right side, instead of writing or hardcoding the whole token, call the project property. Ex.
Header: myToken
Value: ${#Project#cleanedToken}
6. Sessions usually expire after a period of time, I would suggest you select the test case on the navigator tree on the left side of SoapUI, right-click and select Options. When Test Case options pops-up make sure Basic tab is selected and check Session: Maintain HTTP session to avoid timeout.