Forum Discussion

Dominik's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

How to set the SSL keystore on VirtServer?

Hi all,


I configure Virts on Windows using R!A. I deploy the Virt on the VirtServer running on Linux. The Virts receive request over https.

I managed to set the keystore on my local Virt. But after deploying it on the VirtServer the keystore won't be found. How can I define different keystore locations for local and remote Virts?




  • Hi,


    You need to create or copy the keystore to the Linux system where you are running the VirtServer. Then you need to update the VirtServer configuration file (<installation-dir>/bin/virt-server.yml). In the config file you need to un-comment the virtSSL section and update the keystore information according to your setting. 


    # SSL configuration for virts
        #virtKeystorePath: /path/.keystore  
        #virtKeystorePassword: keystoreSecret
        #virtKeyPassword: keySecret
        #virtTrustStorePath: /path/.keystore
        #virtTrustStorePassword: trustStoreSecret


    Here you can find more details about VirtServer configuration



    Shadid Chowdhury

    SmartBear Sweden

7 Replies

  • Hi,


    You need to create or copy the keystore to the Linux system where you are running the VirtServer. Then you need to update the VirtServer configuration file (<installation-dir>/bin/virt-server.yml). In the config file you need to un-comment the virtSSL section and update the keystore information according to your setting. 


    # SSL configuration for virts
        #virtKeystorePath: /path/.keystore  
        #virtKeystorePassword: keystoreSecret
        #virtKeyPassword: keySecret
        #virtTrustStorePath: /path/.keystore
        #virtTrustStorePassword: trustStoreSecret


    Here you can find more details about VirtServer configuration



    Shadid Chowdhury

    SmartBear Sweden

    • Dominik's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Dear Shadid,


      thanks for the answer. That's what I was looking for.





    • Dominik's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Dear Shadid,


      I've Setup the config file as you suggested. However running the Virt on the remote Server Fails with error:


      Unable to start Virt REST Virt 1: {"error":"com.smartbear.servicev.core.model.SvpException: keystore for ssl is not configured"}


      Do you have any idea? I've already double checked the keytore's location and Password




      • Shadid's avatar

        Dear Dominik,


        Can you paste part of the config where you have virtSSL (without the passwords)?



        Shadid Chowdhury

        SmartBear Sweden