How to set the SSL keystore on VirtServer?
Hi all,
I configure Virts on Windows using R!A. I deploy the Virt on the VirtServer running on Linux. The Virts receive request over https.
I managed to set the keystore on my local Virt. But after deploying it on the VirtServer the keystore won't be found. How can I define different keystore locations for local and remote Virts?
You need to create or copy the keystore to the Linux system where you are running the VirtServer. Then you need to update the VirtServer configuration file (<installation-dir>/bin/virt-server.yml). In the config file you need to un-comment the virtSSL section and update the keystore information according to your setting.
# SSL configuration for virts #virtSSL: #virtKeystorePath: /path/.keystore #virtKeystorePassword: keystoreSecret #virtKeyPassword: keySecret #virtTrustStorePath: /path/.keystore #virtTrustStorePassword: trustStoreSecret
Here you can find more details about VirtServer configuration
Shadid Chowdhury
SmartBear Sweden