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nick1's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

How to save spit values to one property



please could someone help me with task below?


I would like to make data driven test where I use input excel file where i have colum Country in which can be one or more values separete with "," for this I would like to create groovy script in soapui which will parse this values and save it to property like




in request will looks like




Thank you in advance for any help.

  • Hi nick1 ,


    Didn't understand the query fully, but as i have understood it, you have some data in excel with comma(,) seperated and you want to spit it with , and store it in properties step write. So, for that you can use below piece of code and update or enhance as per your need.


    def data = "data,data1" // you can fetch this data from particular cell
    spiltData = data.split(",")
    for(def i=0;i<spiltData.size();i++){

    Do let me know in case you need more help on this.


  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey nick1 


    why'd you need to use groovy for that?  It sounds pretty much standard fair - the embedded out the box functionality in ReadyAPI!/SoapUI Pro does exactly what you need.....or am I misunderstanding.


    Are you saying you have a spreadsheet with a column and there are multiple comma separated values within one cell in the spreadsheet and you want to pick out the individual comma separated values?  I'm still struggling to see why groovy - you can manipulate the spreadsheet so that each field only has 1 value in it (save as .csv, manipulate, save back to .xslx or .csv or whatever)





    • nick1's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Richie,


      maybe I didn't explain my problem clearly. I have excel where every row mean different test case and in every test case have different count of Country (in request present like list). I could solve my problem with xml block in excel but users which define the data are not friends with it. I wanted to make it easier for them that they will fill out only country. In case will be define multiple countries then the user just separete it with comma.


      I want to create script which will take country column and will create list for request




      Is it clear now?


      Thank you and have a good day

      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero

        Hey nick1 


        erm - I'm still a bit confused - are you saying you have a spreadsheet with country data like the pic below



        and you need them in one column so you can run your data driven - so that you can loop the test, picking up the country value to populate your REST? SOAP? requests


        Are you saying that different test cases will have different numbers of country values and so you want to use the datadriven functionality to populate the number of Country elements in your request based on the number of country values in your spreadsheet?


        So using the example from the pic above:

        For testcase1, A2 --> Afghanistan & Australia so you want your request to include the following:






        For testcase2, A3 --> Sweden, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates

        so you want your request to include the following:




        <Country>United Arab Emirates</Country>



        Is this what you mean?








  • Hi nick1 ,


    Didn't understand the query fully, but as i have understood it, you have some data in excel with comma(,) seperated and you want to spit it with , and store it in properties step write. So, for that you can use below piece of code and update or enhance as per your need.


    def data = "data,data1" // you can fetch this data from particular cell
    spiltData = data.split(",")
    for(def i=0;i<spiltData.size();i++){

    Do let me know in case you need more help on this.