How to run next test step/case while previous one is still running in SoapUI Pro?
Hi Community Members
Under one test suite I have multiple test cases i.e.1 to 10. Upon running of test suite Soapui does have option to run in parallel/serial but my scenario requires to run test suite in serial mode and then the real problems comes that it is required in my scenario to run test case 3 while test case 2 is still in running state. But so far am unable get the solution because in test suite while running in serial its waits to complete the execution of step 2 then moves to step 3. So is there any way that I just trigger the test case 2 using script etc & test suite proceeds to next step instead of waiting of response (Step 2).
Let me know if you guys have any ambiguity regarding above problem statement.
Got the solution by adding following code under groovy step.
Thread.start { testRunner.runTestStepByName("Test Step 1") } testRunner.runTestStepByName("Test Step 2")
What does this code do:
Thread.start will run Test Step 1 & will move to Test Step 2 without waiting for the result/response of Test Step 1.
nmrao HimanshuTayal Thanks Guys for your help. Really appreciated.