Forum Discussion

dipsthorat's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

How to filter out some data while calling api



I have one API (1st API)where negative values are coming while calling API , but for further comparison of 1 st API with 2 nd API I dont want negative values while comparing.So how could we filter-out negative data in 1st API while calling itself.

(1st API) Example

"id": -1,
"extendedUicCode": "8400706",

"id": -1,
"extendedUicCode": "8604704"

"id": 3
"extendedUicCode": "8015345",

"id": 2,
"extendedUicCode": "8015343"

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Events can be used in this case.

    Implement script for beforeSubmit of SubmitListener. Access the request and remove the unwanted and reassign the request with changed request.
    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 2

      Here is the example script that should do what you are looking for.

      Place the same for SubmitListener.beforeStep



      import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.RestTestRequestStep
      import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
      import groovy.json.JsonOutput
      def temp = context.getProperty('wsdlRequest')
      def isSendNegativeValues = context.expand('${#TestCase#SEND_NEGATIVE_VALUE}') ?: 'false'
      if ('false' == isSendNegativeValues && temp && (context.getProperty('wsdlRequest').parent instanceof RestTestRequestStep)) {
      	def request = context.wsdlRequest.requestContent
      	def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(request)
      	def newRequest = JsonOutput.toJson(json.findAll { > 0})
      	if (newRequest && request != newRequest) {
      		context.wsdlRequest.requestContent = newRequest



      However, what do you like to do if you want to send ids with negative values ever? It is not mentioned.


      You can define test case level custom property SEND_NEGATIVE_VALUE with value true, so that the request is not filter any data. By default, the above script filters with ids of negative values.