Forum Discussion

CByler's avatar
8 years ago

How to change a Project's Name / Properties

I created a Rest Project in our development environment with several test suites.  When I created it, I named it Project1.  The time came that I was ready to promote the code to our Test environment.  In order to not have to recreate the wheel, I made a copy of the xml.  I then right-clicked on the Project name in SoapUI and renamed the original to Project1Dev, closed the project and renamed the clone to Project1Test.  The reason I didn't just use Environments, is because the users, ids. etc are vastly different between environments.  The problem is, if I have one of these projects open in my workspace and need to go do something in the other environment, I get a message that the project is already open in my workspace, etc.


So, is there a way to change something in the properties of the Dev Project so that I can have both projects open in my workspace at the same time?  Thx for any help :)

  • The way I get around this is to open the original project and to use the "Save As" function which should save it as a new and separate project that you would be able to have loaded at the same time. If you haven't made a lot of changes with the two projects that's your best way forward right now.


    If you have already set up the Project1Test and have done a lot of work on it, you can still fix the problem but it may be a little more involved. What I typically do is create a new / completely empty project and import/copy the test suites from Project1Test into it, and save that.

    The issue is that the XML project files are not referenced by name, but rather by a UUID contained in the XML of the file. If you make a straight up copy as you did, that UUID will be the same and thus the software cannot see a difference between them. 

3 Replies

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    The way I get around this is to open the original project and to use the "Save As" function which should save it as a new and separate project that you would be able to have loaded at the same time. If you haven't made a lot of changes with the two projects that's your best way forward right now.


    If you have already set up the Project1Test and have done a lot of work on it, you can still fix the problem but it may be a little more involved. What I typically do is create a new / completely empty project and import/copy the test suites from Project1Test into it, and save that.

    The issue is that the XML project files are not referenced by name, but rather by a UUID contained in the XML of the file. If you make a straight up copy as you did, that UUID will be the same and thus the software cannot see a difference between them. 

    • CByler's avatar

      Thank you so much for your help, msiadak

      • groovyguy's avatar
        Community Hero

        Not a problem, CByler, I've ran into this a number of times so I'm glad I was able to help! :smileyvery-happy: