Forum Discussion

jjam's avatar
2 years ago

"Get Data" data when saved does not work next run.

Using 3.45.0


This issue is causing me trouble mostly in the headers but I have found bodies having the same problem.


Example Authorization Header. I do a Get Data, and it looks some thing like this - ${#TestSuite#Testcase#Teststep]#Response#$['data']}, Then I add bearer in front.


Now test works fine. I save composite project. Re-test and the test fails with 401. I check Raw date and all I see for Authorization is "Bearer", my token data has disappeared. But the code remains the same in the header value.


I'd have some screen shots but I have been running my computer for 3 days without saving now because it's a big project and it can take at least 2 hours to fix it after saving.

  • This issue ceased to be a problem when I switched Environments.


    I would suggest you configure a new environment than bailing on your hard work.

1 Reply

  • jjam's avatar

    This issue ceased to be a problem when I switched Environments.


    I would suggest you configure a new environment than bailing on your hard work.