Forum Discussion

Prabaharan's avatar
6 years ago

Error when invoking task to devops pipeline for "SoapUI Pro for Azure DevOps


Have added a task to devops pipeline for "SoapUI Pro for Azure DevOps". Have set the following configuration. 

Path to TestRunner: 
"have left blank" 

Path to SoapUI Pro project: 

Getting error: 
Exception calling "Execute" with "0" argument(s): "Could not find the path 'bin\testrunner.bat'." 

Have tried a number of path combinations but always errors, another error was the following when trying to specify full path from another error message saying that it could not find the test runner batch file. 

Exception calling "Execute" with "0" argument(s): "Could not find file '..\_tasks\SoapUIProForAzureDevOpsTask_712dda37-2b62-4e68-950d-e85a85d51fc4\1.0.0\testrunner.bat'." 

Hosted VS2017 (Hosted VS2017)

Note: Using DevOps Cloud


Conveyed the same to Microsoft Visual studio team. Link reference :

How to resolve the above error


  • Hi Olga_T ,


    Appreciate your note. Have already created a support ticket and with their help I was able to resolve this.

    Please find below their note.

    The "Could not find the path 'bin\testrunner.bat'" error (if the "testRunnerPath" property is not specified) or "Could not find a part of the path '<testrunner.bat path>'" (if the "testRunnerPath" property is specified) occurs when ReadyAPI installation is not found on the machine where you run your build. By default, when you add a new pipeline, it's configured to run on a cloud agent, where ReadyAPI is evidently missing. So, you need to reconfigure the build to run on your own hosted agent. This video shows how to correct the config:!AtuBNgWQsBvDgYthpehM8HshL56iIw

    Thanks for your help

3 Replies

  • Olga_T's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Prabaharan ,

    Thanks for reaching out! 


    I have contacted one of our Customer Care engineers regarding your query, and, he said that they will probably need to look into your configurations, and, maybe discuss this on a call. So, I recommend that you create a support ticket here so that they could look into it.

    It would be great if you could later share the progress with the Community here.

    Thanks in advance!



    • Prabaharan's avatar

      Hi Olga_T ,


      Appreciate your note. Have already created a support ticket and with their help I was able to resolve this.

      Please find below their note.

      The "Could not find the path 'bin\testrunner.bat'" error (if the "testRunnerPath" property is not specified) or "Could not find a part of the path '<testrunner.bat path>'" (if the "testRunnerPath" property is specified) occurs when ReadyAPI installation is not found on the machine where you run your build. By default, when you add a new pipeline, it's configured to run on a cloud agent, where ReadyAPI is evidently missing. So, you need to reconfigure the build to run on your own hosted agent. This video shows how to correct the config:!AtuBNgWQsBvDgYthpehM8HshL56iIw

      Thanks for your help

      • Olga_T's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)


        Great to hear this was solved. And thank you so much for sharing the results!

        Let me mark your reply as a solution.

        Have a great day!