Forum Discussion

Prabaharan's avatar
6 years ago

Error when invoking task to devops pipeline for "SoapUI Pro for Azure DevOps

Hi, Have added a task to devops pipeline for "SoapUI Pro for Azure DevOps". Have set the following configuration.  Path to TestRunner:  "have left blank"  Path to SoapUI Pro project:  Ready...
  • Prabaharan's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi Olga_T ,


    Appreciate your note. Have already created a support ticket and with their help I was able to resolve this.

    Please find below their note.

    The "Could not find the path 'bin\testrunner.bat'" error (if the "testRunnerPath" property is not specified) or "Could not find a part of the path '<testrunner.bat path>'" (if the "testRunnerPath" property is specified) occurs when ReadyAPI installation is not found on the machine where you run your build. By default, when you add a new pipeline, it's configured to run on a cloud agent, where ReadyAPI is evidently missing. So, you need to reconfigure the build to run on your own hosted agent. This video shows how to correct the config:!AtuBNgWQsBvDgYthpehM8HshL56iIw

    Thanks for your help