Forum Discussion

DJ_Se's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Error loading []

Hi ,


I am trying to setup a SOAP project to start the development of an integration project with the application I manage. This is a vendor application ( HPE Service Manager).

I am trying to load the wsdl and for some reason I am unable to reach location.

If I try to open the URL using a browser, it opens successfully.


I tried to download the xml files locally to the c drive and changed the schema location on the wsdl to point it to local file, still i am not able to load the wsdl correctly. Attaching the screenshots below.



Files downloaded to c drive







modified the schemalocation






loading the wsdl










Error on loading









Please guide.




  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    What happens if wsdl file opened using web browser?
    • DJ_Se's avatar
      New Contributor

      able to access successfully from browser















       I am able to access the wsdl file using the browser.