Forum Discussion

chaitu639's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

ERROR: com.eviware.soapui.impl.actions.UnsupportedDefinitionException

Hi - I am seeing such issues while creating a functional test case using swagger 2.0.

i see the Swagger is valid and i could check that by using my swagger hub as well.

 can you please let us me know if there is any way what could be parsing errors?

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey chaitu639,

    I know you say swagger v2.0, but can you confirm the exact version number used to build the swagger? This does chsnge and can make a diff.

    Also, can you please provide more details about exactly how and when the exception manifests?


    • chaitu639's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Rich - Thankyou for checking on this.

      API Spec was written based on Swagger 2.0 . I can see such behaviour when i am trying to create functional test case or creating a new project from the swagger definition.


      i am also seeing issues when i try to convert from Swagger 2.0 to OAS 3.X using Swagger editor site. 


      i am suspecting issues with tags that were used in swagger definition and not supporting in OAS