Forum Discussion

1albie1's avatar
13 years ago

Discarded Requests

What exactly does it mean that a request is discarded (i.e. is this simply a function in load UI in response to a request attempting to be added to a queue that is full or is it a fundamental response that a web server might assert?) And what would an end-user of the site I'm load testing experience if their access of a page lead to the request being discarded? How is a discarded request different/same from a failed request?
  • AndyHughes's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Yes, Discarded is what happens when 'running' and 'queued' are full. Limits imposed by LOADUI.
    Failed is, failed according to the assertions you have set up against your test.
  • To elaborate a little bit more, when you generate requests faster than your server responds, your 'running' count starts going up til it reaches its limit (setting in loadui). Once that happens all subsequently generated request starts getting lined up in 'queued'. That means LoadUI is waiting for running count to go below the limit to send these requests to your server. If this 'queued' count also reaches its limit (another loadui setting), then any subsequently generated request starts getting discarded. Means they will never get sent to your server.

    Failed means request was sent, but an invalid/unexpected response was received. For SoapUI Runner, it may be an assertion fail, or a test step fail. For Web runner it may be an invalid HTTP response, etc.

    So to compare 'discarded' and 'failed', former means request never sent to server as it's being generated too fast to go over limit set in loadui setting, while the later means the request was indeed sent to the server (assuming no prior test step execution failed), but an invalid/unexpected response was received.