Forum Discussion
Have you followed steps documented here: ?
What exactly does not work if the above does not help?
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the update, Yes I did followed the same steps to create war file. Now my question here is,
1. ABC-Services.war
2. DEF-Servcies.war
3. 123-Services.war
Now I need these application war to be run on different port, How, can I achive this? I am deploying the application war files in tomcat server.
I have all my service protocal configured as http, but
This format does not work "http://virinf0002vt.metest.local:8088/ABC-Services/"
This format does work https://virinf0002vt.metest.local:8088/ME-Services/
Could you please let me know why does it not work for http ?