Forum Discussion

Nancy2's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

data source query

I am Licensed user of SoapUI Pro. My query is regarding data driven testing.

I have WSDL that register member based on unique values of three fields. Repeated values will not register and give error from system. For each run, I have to enter unique data each time. How to do this in SoapUI so that in each iteration new set of values should be picked from data source?

  • Hmm. limitations.

    See if the helps

    <element>${= System.currentTimeMillis()}</element>

8 Replies

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey Nancy2,


    Welcome to the SmartBear community!


    Can you please explain your test scenario a little bit more? How is the data source generated? Is it an excel file? Do you generate it by using a script? Or is it that you want to generate it and you don't know how?

    • Nancy2's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      1. How is the data source generated? Is it an excel file? _ Yes data source is created manually in excel file and linked

      2. Do you generate it by using a script?  - No

      3. Or is it that you want to generate it and you don't know how? _ know how to generate

      4. Can you please explain your test scenario a little bit more? - OK first Ill explain my scenario -

      My WSDL has few input parameters and three of the input parameters has to be unique. For example to register Fits Name, last name and email address has to be pass unique each time to register else WSDL will show Duplicate record message. Now the scenario is, while each execution run, unique data has to be passed. When I run this test case manually I can chnage the data and member gets registered and based on new registeration I run further test cases in test suite. 

      Now, the query is that I want SoapUI to understand and pick unique data each time and register member successfully. Can you suggest me how to do such case?


      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        UUID can be used which will be unique each time. And does not require any data source as well.

        For example,
        <FirstName>${= UUID.randomUUID()}</FirstName>

        Similarly other values can be populated too.