Forum Discussion

tawakoli's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Data sink from rawResponse

I want sink Location data from following rawResponse to an excel file. can't figure it how.

here example of my rawResponse:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:40:43 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Kestrel
Location: /PartTypes/d59eeffa-8a82-46c3-af7e-9a73197db648
api-supported-versions: 1.0

  • ChrisAdams's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    This should work.  There's probably a more elegant solution, but it should work.


    Here's my test harness...


    The first step, just simulates returning the raw response from a call.  I've used a multiline string to simulate...

    def rawResponse = '''
    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:40:43 GMT
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: keep-alive
    Server: Kestrel
    Location: /PartTypes/d59eeffa-8a82-46c3-af7e-9a73197db648
    api-supported-versions: 1.0

    return rawResponse;

    The next step is the interesting one.  It iterates over the multline string.  If the string contains "Location", then assign to a var.  The replace then removes the "Location:" prefix and finally returns the actual location value.


    // Get raw response from previous step - this is where you'd pull it in from your service call...
    def rawResponse = context.expand( '${Get Raw Response - Groovy Script#result}' )

    // Create a var to hold location.
    def location = "";

    // Find the line containing Location and assign to location var.
    rawResponse.eachLine {
    if (it =~ /Location/) {
    location = it;

    // Remove the Location: prefix
    location = location.replace("Location:", "");

    // return Location to whatever has called this script. E.g. a data sink...
    return location;


    Finally, how to use in a datasink, just call the Groovy script!...