Forum Discussion

HaroldR's avatar
8 years ago

Create Property Transfer and set up Transfer Values in a groovy script

Hello all :), 

First, do you know if it's possible to create a Property Transfer Step from a groovy script? I cannot find any source code to achieve this purpose. For this example, it does not matter because it can be done manually.

Then, in the same script I would like to create a transfer variable, and set up the source and the target. I would write some code in groovy to avoid to create all the variables manually.  Doing this would permit me to automate transfer values creation. Any ideas of how to do this ?



  • Here's a groovy script that can be easily modified to fit what you want, I think.


    import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.registry.PropertyTransfersStepFactory
    // Define test case to work with. This assumes the same test case the groovy script is in.
    def tc = context.testCase;
    // Define TestStep name for PropertyTransfer test step.
    def tsName = "TestStep Name"
    // Create test step in the test case using tsName as the name.
    tc.addTestStep( PropertyTransfersStepFactory.TRANSFER_TYPE, tsName )
    // Retrieve the test step created.
    def testStep = tc.getTestStepByName(tsName);
    // Set the transfer name.
    def transferName = "TransferName";
    // Add the transfer using transferName provided.
    // Retrieve the transfer created
    def transfer = testStep.getTransferByName(transferName);
    // Set the source test step name. This must be an existing test step in the same test case as the groovy script.
    transfer.setSourceStepName("LMDataStore - Missing Element - 230");
    // Set the Property for the source to Response.
    // Set the Source Path language as Xpath
    // Fill in the XPATH statement. May be able to fill this in with GetData, depending.
    transfer.setSourcePath("""declare namespace ns2='';
    // Set the Target Test Step Name for the property transfer
    // Set the property name to transfer to.
  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Here's a groovy script that can be easily modified to fit what you want, I think.


    import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.registry.PropertyTransfersStepFactory
    // Define test case to work with. This assumes the same test case the groovy script is in.
    def tc = context.testCase;
    // Define TestStep name for PropertyTransfer test step.
    def tsName = "TestStep Name"
    // Create test step in the test case using tsName as the name.
    tc.addTestStep( PropertyTransfersStepFactory.TRANSFER_TYPE, tsName )
    // Retrieve the test step created.
    def testStep = tc.getTestStepByName(tsName);
    // Set the transfer name.
    def transferName = "TransferName";
    // Add the transfer using transferName provided.
    // Retrieve the transfer created
    def transfer = testStep.getTransferByName(transferName);
    // Set the source test step name. This must be an existing test step in the same test case as the groovy script.
    transfer.setSourceStepName("LMDataStore - Missing Element - 230");
    // Set the Property for the source to Response.
    // Set the Source Path language as Xpath
    // Fill in the XPATH statement. May be able to fill this in with GetData, depending.
    transfer.setSourcePath("""declare namespace ns2='';
    // Set the Target Test Step Name for the property transfer
    // Set the property name to transfer to.
    • HaroldR's avatar

      Hello groovyguy,

      I took the time to read your post again to suite my need, thanks for sharing it first!

      At this point : 

      // Fill in the XPATH statement. May be able to fill this in with GetData, depending.
      transfer.setSourcePath("""declare namespace ns2='';
      // Set the Target Test Step Name for the property transfer
      // Set the property name to transfer to.
       Instead of creating only one property corresponding to a specific node defined by me as you did in the example, I would like to iterate through all child node and create a property which could stock the value for each. Here the property to create should be :

      Let's take my example, I want to
      1) get my response inside the XPATH Fill declaration (but for this, I think I have to find a way to retrieve and set all the namespaces automatically)
      2)then make a for loop where all child node encountered in the xml response could be stored in the Properties teststep with the name of the xpath node like above. (I want to do this only fo childs which have only singles values and attributes to avoid memory leaks when comparing it for the future).
      Therefore, if there is more than one childnode I could add each one it in the propeties step to transfer it later in order to achieve comparison between both versions. 
      Do you see what I mean or it's not really clear for you?

      I have been coming back to work since today and try to assemble all informations you gave me in the past on all subjects I have created. Not obvious ahah, but I have successed to use a generic script, more or less.
      Thanks for helping msiadak, 

      Regards Harold 
      • AAB's avatar
        Regular Contributor


        I've tried to run this for my case but I receive this error message:


        groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.DebuggableWsdlGroovyScriptTestStep.addTransfer() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [TransferName] error at line: 19


        // Add the transfer using transferName provided.


        My testcase consideres this:

        DataSource: read file

        Property Transfer: transfer to request ==> this is a bug that needs to be fixed, that's why people from SmartBear      suggested a groovyscript instead

        SOAP request: execute

        Property Transfer to a DataSink

        DataSink stash

        DataSource Loop



        I'm using ReadyAPI 2.5.0. Can someone tell me why this is happening?


        the only things I have changed were:

        the testcase name

        the source test step name

        the XPATH statement as the namespace of my client is different.


        Should there be anything else I'm demanded to change please?

        Thanks in advance.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Note that if groovy script is used, then Property Transfer step isn't really needed, IMO.

    Reason being, set a property (test case / test suite / project level) using groovy script and use Property expansion where the property value is required. Hence, Property Transfer test step becomes obsolete, unless you have a very strong reason to use it.

    Some useful scripting examples :

    Property Expansion documentation :

    Hope this is useful.
    • HaroldR's avatar
