Forum Discussion

sathyaraj's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

property transfer in soapui

The below one is my SOAPUI response.i have to pass the Session ID into my request.



SOAPUI response:


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<soap:Header xmlns="">
<Security_TrustedUserSignInReply xmlns="">



I have tried the xpath as //Session/SessionId only.when i validate the xpath its giving proper session id in notepad++ xpath evaluation tool.


but i cant able to get the session id response in request.


kindly help me to solve the issue..i am new to the soapui stuffs.




  • nmrao's avatar
    9 years ago
    Please use the xpath provided as it is. You did not use as it is. It was missing ":" after "*".
  • SequenceNumber and SecurityToken these elements not working when i tried the similar thing..getting the below error


    Mon Jul 25 07:18:12 BST 2016 SequenceNumber [Missing match for Target XPath [//*:SequenceNumber/*:SequenceNumber]]


    aything to change for the next node

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Missing namespace?
    Try below
    • sathyaraj's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank u so much rao.kindly help me in creating namespace for the given xml response.


      this is the namesapce i used but i am getting error.anything wrong ?


      declare namespace soap='';

      i have to mention any other thing in the namespace. 


      if possible kindly help me in transferring this below fields completely from dynamic response to request.





      thanks for your support.thank u so much

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        You did not mention what happened to the earlier suggestion. Would you mind revert back after trying that?