Forum Discussion

kaivi's avatar
7 years ago

compare a response with a json file



first of all i have a GET request with a response... now i wanna save the response in a JSON file to compare this with a existing JSON file.


HOW can i do this?


best regards


  • You can use the following code:


    if (!(it.value == outputResp[it.key]))
   ("File Mismatch at : " + it.key)
   "File mismatch..." )

6 Replies

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero

    This should be simple to do. But just to clarify before giving an answer:


    1. If you want to compare the response with an existing content of a file why do you want to save the response to a file. Wouldn't it be simpler to just read the content of the initial file and compare it directly with the current response.

    2. I am not aware of the full context of your test but I generally see this kind of tests unreliable. If something is to change in the response you may have to do a lot of rework.

    • kaivi's avatar

      1.Yes. Is that possible?

      2. True!


      i found some Code and it works but maybe u can help me. If there is a Mismatch there is only a and the test continues with "PASS". Is taht possible to say is there a mismatch the test failed?


      import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
      def filePath = "C:/qwerty/test.json"
      def jsonResp = context.expand('${GET ProCon#Response}') 
      def outputResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonResp)
      def baselineResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(new File(filePath).text)
          if (!(it.value == outputResp[it.key]))
     ("File Mismatch at : " + it.key)
      • jhanzeb1's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        You can use a keyword assert i.e assert expected == actual