Compare 2 JSON responses in soapUIPRO/Groovy
I have generated REST responses using a datasource which contains 5 different input test data rows that populates the REST request. This test data contains Life insurance policy number, effective date which are the 2 main variables that drive the response values. This REST service quotes the value of the insurance policy as of a ceratin effective date.
I get succussful response on Day 1 and each response has about 15 different tags. On Day 5, I want to use the same test data and re-run my test but this time I want to check if my Day 1 and Day 5 run has generated the same set of responses for all the 5 different test data. I also want to be able to extract differences if one of the test data does not get the expected result on the Day 5 run.
Please help.
Thank you.
Hi Nmenon81,
The following article may give you some tips or ideas: How Do I Compare Two Dynamic JSON Responses?