Close JDBC connections following JDBC datasource step
Hi all,
We have built a set of test cases that follow the steps below:
1. JDBC DataSource Step - this step connects to our database and pulls back a set of data that we will use in our request message
2. REST Request Step - using the first value returned from the above JDBC DataSource step, we will send a request to the REST service and assert the values against our expected result
3. DataSource Loop - loops back to step 1 to pick up the next input value
However, we have found that the connection to the database that is established in step 1 is never closed. Our databases have session limits, which means that we quickly bring down our databases and require a database restart in order to continue.
Is there a way to ensure that the database connections are closed, either after step 1 has run or at the end of the test?
Thanks in advance for your help.