Forum Discussion

tmulders's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

Backwards compatibility


We are at this time struggeling with the backwards compatibility of the created webservices and we are working out some possible solutions.

Situation: We are working with WSDL 1.0 and the new WSDL is 1.1 with three elements added to WSDL 1.1...We are supposed to work with the old WSDL for three months regardless of any changes.
In other words, the old requests should be accepted without the new elements. What will happen is that we will sent an old request without the three new elements, but we will receive a response WITH the three new elements. The response will not be according to our "old" WSDL, will SOAP UI accept that?...And is there a way that I can check that, I need to receive a failed assertion because of the new unknown elements. I have tried the assertion Schema compliance but the response I get is: Validation of SOAP encoded messages not supported.

Hope u can help us out. Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor

    hmm.. as long as you use SOAP-Encoding in your WSDL's (old or new), soapUI Pro will not be able to validate them (SOAP-encoding is not supported..). What kind of validation do you want to achieve?


  • tmulders's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    The kind that is not possible with Soap UI

    Soap encoding is not supported. Thats the main problem really. Its not possible for me to check whether te response meets the wsdl requirements or not. That means that I can receive any response and I will never be sure if its according the wsdl..

    We will work something out
  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor

    hmm.. you could create a Script Assertion that "manually" validates the response against an XML Schema or RelaxNG document.. !?

