Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
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6 years ago

API Masterminds Talks – How to stay focused while testing?

The technical aspect of API testing is important. The vast majority of questions in this Community are strictly technical. At the same time, if you have good skills in time management, cross-team communication, task prioritization, etc., you can be more efficient in resolving your testing tasks! 


Today, let’s talk about the things that help you do your work better. 


API Masterminds, post your comments here to answer the question: What helps you to stay focused while testing? 


It is hard to stay focused for long periods of time when you are doing intense testing. I heard that some testers are listening to music to block out distractions. Specifically, something rhythmical and instrumental. Classical music works as well.

In my opinion, noise-cancelling headphones are a must in an open space office!


How do you maintain focus? 

  • BenoitB's avatar
    Community Hero

    The best ?

    Don't stay focused too long, make several mind respiration by walking outside, looking at sky or trees or little things like ants walking on ground ...

    And then you can focus on your (why API ? not it's a so -wide way of working)  testing ..



    • sonya_m's avatar
      Icon for Alumni rankAlumni

      BenoitB Great advice!:smileyhappy: I try to take short breaks and go outside. And, some of my colleagues are even taking yoga classes during their lunch breaks! But I am not ready for this yet, I guess:smileyhappy:


      And, you are right - it works for any type of testing. Or, in fact, for any sort of intense brain activity like programming or writing help topics.


  • nmrao's avatar
    Icon for Champion Level 2 rankChampion Level 2
    Tight timelines makes anyway to focus. However, if one find an issue, then it is interesting to try out with different data to see how the application behaves with more focus and dig out for more defects.
    • Who said it's impossible to take yoga classes during lunch? Sofia, you just need to give it a try!

      I can prove - it definitely helps me focus on my work :) 


      In addition to yoga, I like reviewing this site and "see" the community members (virtually at least). I like seeing more and more new active members, I love seeing that community experts return to the community after short breaks. tristaanogre, how many times have your returned? :) This motivates me to work hard!




    • sonya_m's avatar
      Icon for Alumni rankAlumni

      nmrao right. If you are genuinely interested in something, the focus will be there automatically!


      TanyaYatskovska I am afraid I will have no energy left for the rest of the working day:smileyhappy: This is propably a misconception on my part!

  • sonya_m  : Such a great topic to talk upon!!!!


    What helps you to stay focused while testing? 


    Whenever i sit beside my office colleague, i distracted most. So i have find a way out to avoid these distraction, switch off the phone and book one of the meeting room for sometime as there are many always vacant if someone needed me either they mail me or they reach out to me on skype.


    This works for me everytime, i have tried noise cancellation earphones too but no one knows indian annoying colleagues come friends they will surely come to you to annoy and distract. :smileylol: :smileylol:



    • sonya_m's avatar
      Icon for Alumni rankAlumni

      HimanshuTayal Thank you!

      So this way you get almost a private office room! Nice!

      Also, you must have a lot of meeting rooms:smileyhappy:


      Our meeting rooms are empty sometimes, but just as you decide to book one it seems like they are always busy:smileyhappy:

      • HimanshuTayal's avatar
        Community Hero

        sonya_m , ya sometimes meeting room and in my new office what they have built is meeting spaces which don't require prior booking it's a open spaces on corners where you can go with your team and have discussion


        So i just went there with my Laptop and try to stay focused as disturbance it less there as compared to workstation. :)