Forum Discussion

crem's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

QAC v11.3 Jira Synchronize


Has anyone upgrade their QAC to v11.3 and knows how to connect to different JIRA environments? We've upgraded QAC and sync it to our jira dev environment to explore.  We're ready to sync to jira prod but I am not able to find where it can be done. I've searched but was not able to find an answer in the smartbear community.  Any suggestions is greatly appreciate it. 

    • crem's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Anastasia,

      The guide was very helpful. We are able to get the meat of integration working. However, we are still having issue configuring the URLs between JIRA and QAC to pass correctly. It's is passing the GUID. Can you tell us or point to documentation that talks about the URL configuration using the JIRA plug-in?




      • Nastya_Khovrina's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi Chhun,


        To connect to a different JIRA server, you need to disconnect from the currently connected server. For that, you need to click the Disconnect button and enter the corresponding credentials for the different server.

        If you meant something else, can you please clarify your question and provide me with screenshots?


        Customer Care Team