Forum Discussion

kelcattell's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Infinity VUs

I tried to run a load test this morning with 71 VU's. The dashboard finally refreshed after about 1 hour of running without any indication of what was happening except for the progress bar that said the test is "running". Then, when it did refresh, "-Infinity VUs" was displayed above the label: "Run out of 71 VUs".

Has anyone else run into this? What was the issue, and how did you fix it?

I modified my Load Scenario, decreased the Number of Concurrent Users from 71 VU's to 50 VU's, and re-ran the test.

It ran fine this 2nd time, but a few test scripts failed. I fixed the test scripts, and re-ran the same Load Scenario for a 3rd time. Then, again after about 1 hour of running without any indication of what was happening, I got the "-Infinity VUs" again.