6 years agoContributor
Should I use VUs or Rate?
I am trying to create a ramp up load test and I am not sure if I should be using VUs or Rate. I was looking at the documentation for load type and it says VUs are not restarted for a rate type load test. Will the VUs not restarting effect how may requests per second I can send?
This is what I am trying to setup:
Single scenario distributed over 2 agents
Scenario has 2 different requests to the same endpoint.
VU: 1200 (600 per agent)
Max requests per second: 1250
Expected response: 250ms
Not sure if I am correct, I guess there is no such option in SoapUI OS for maintaining centralized endpoint. But, there is a workaround which I can suggest,
- Create a Project level - Custom Property called Endpoint and then map your URL as the value for the parameter.
- Then copy the below Groovy code in a Groovy Test step and Run it.
def endpoint = '${#Project#Endpoint}' testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites.each { suite -> suite.getValue().testCases.each { tc-> tc.getValue().testSteps.each { it-> if (it.getValue().config.type.equals("restrequest")) { it.getValue().getHttpRequest().setEndpoint(endpoint); } } } } log.info("Done")
Now all your REST test steps would have the endpoint value set as
Hope this helps you!