Forum Discussion
It sounds like you're using TestLeft, since you are staying within your Intellij IDE to create tests using cucumber(probs java?)
I'm also not too familiar with cucumber-reports, but they consume the cucumber-json format reports generated by the command that goes something like
format = {"pretty", "html:target/Destination", "json:report/cucumber.json"},
features = {"src/test/resources/AddOrder.feature"})
public class AddOrderTest {
within your test....
I'm not sure if there is an elegent way to view the pictures within your cucumber reports in that case.
I'd point you towards asking the same question within the TestLeft and Cucumber community, since they may have some more insight into doing what you're trying to do!
Otherwise, if you are considering using TestComplete, with the integration, there are Log.Picture type of built in methods that can post screenshots of each of the step definitions when the test runs publish the mht style logs.