14 years ago
p4v integration on Linux doesn't work
I have ccollab client version 5_0_5041 and p4v version P4V/LINUX26X86_64/2010.2/293336.
I followed the instructions given here. There was no 'Configure Addons To Perforce Visual Tools' option offered in the installer so I had to do the manual setup. The XML file loaded without error and after clicking on the 'Import' button in the 'Import Preview' window the 'Manage Custom Tools' dialog updated to show the ccollab tools with what appeared to be valid command lines.
But after exiting out of the 'Manage Custom Tools' dialog I can find no trace of the tools on the Tools menu, even after restarting p4v.
I followed the instructions given here. There was no 'Configure Addons To Perforce Visual Tools' option offered in the installer so I had to do the manual setup. The XML file loaded without error and after clicking on the 'Import' button in the 'Import Preview' window the 'Manage Custom Tools' dialog updated to show the ccollab tools with what appeared to be valid command lines.
But after exiting out of the 'Manage Custom Tools' dialog I can find no trace of the tools on the Tools menu, even after restarting p4v.