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EdH's avatar
New Member
10 months ago

Collab 14.0.14002 : How to see what is blocking code review from getting Approval?

Hello Collab-ers:

How can I, as the author in my first use of Web Collab C++ code review, see what is blocking me/author from getting to see an Approval button/option using Web based 14.0.14002?
(We are not using "remote" nor "templates" nor a git tie-in; just file uploads and review.)

Q1)  We think all comments and a few bugs have all been resolved/read and accepted by all 4 of us (author + 3 reviewers) but we do not see a way to reveal what code line(s) may not have been correctly resolved/read and accepted by all.

Q2)  Assuming all of 4 of us did the resolution/read and acceptance correctly, I (as author) see the upper right corner status shows the following, and I cannot figure out how to advance the process to get the whole review to Done/Approved:

Top line:   Bright blue "ClockFace + FINISHED UNLESS: ANY ACTIVITY OCCURS"
                  followed by purple "LightningBolt + REVIEW ACTIONS"

Second line:  Gray PLANNING + Gray ANNOTATION
                   + Blue highlight white font INSPECTION + Red font REWORK 
                   + Red font COMPLETED

FYI, in the "Participants" row of the review, my author row has STATE of "Approved," but my 3 reviewers all show a STATE of "Active."   Perhaps we only need a hint on how to see/know what it takes to get theirs to "Active" ?

Bottom Line: We must be in the INSPECTION phase, but do not know how to move this review to COMPLETED.  We suspect Collab should automatically advance to show an option called SEND TO COMPLETED per what the help webpage called  ws_review_summary.html  indicates, but we cannot tell what must be blocking that automatic advance step.   When I right or left mouse click on the upper right corner indicators above, nothing relevant to advancing to Complete appears in the drop down menu(s.)

Please advise, thanks much.

  • It is not usually the author who has the responsibility to move the review from INSPECTION to COMPLETED.  It is usually the reviewers with that responsibility.  When you hover over the "Send to Completed" button for each of the author and reviewers, what does the tooltip say?

    If you are in the INSPECTION phase are there are open defects, the button will say "Send to Rework".  If there are no open defects, it will say "Send to Completed".  Once all participants (*who are required to*) click on "Send to Completed", the review is done.

    See the documentation about the workflow in the review:


  • there can be some configuration settings at play here, but an area to look at is under chat the all messages tab.  these may all need to be read also