Forum Discussion

DavidJameson's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Why is Performance Profiler indicating no routines analyzed

This is almost embarrassing. I was an AQTime user 12 years ago and earlier using it with Delphi.

Now, I'm working on a project in C++ (just native) and, with a brand new license, I'm trying to use it to do a basic Performance Profile of my code. While I'm pretty sure I've followed all the instructions to make it work ( , after I do a brief run, where AQTime is clearly doing something since my application runs blatantly slowly, the summary tell me that 0 routines have been analyzed and 0 routines executed. So there's no call graph, call tree, etc.


The main executable shows up as a module, and "All Project Modules" (routines only) is checked in the "Code to Profile"


What have I forgotten to do?


Thanks in advance

  • Sigh!


    (Edit: Sorry - couldn't resist creating the image.  In case nobody looked, the problem was because the button "Enable profiling" was off.   For me, coming from Mac, the tooltip was misleading. When I saw the tooltip  "Enable profiling", I assumed that meant that profiling WAS in fact enabled, and not that I needed to click it to enable profiling. 

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Just a quick idea: do you have debug information file (the one with .pdb extension) in the same folder where the profiled application is located?

    • DavidJameson's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Yes, but even if I didn't - wouldn't it still analyze stuff but just not be able to provide meaningful names?

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        > but even if I didn't - wouldn't it still analyze stuff

        I am far not sure... How to distinguish between data and code and how to understand where the function starts and ends without debug info (and too deep disassembling) ?

        If I remember correctly, there must be a record in the Event View panel that debug info was read after you opened a project (or added a module to it). Does such record exist in your case?

        Also, what if you try to use Sampling Profiler? Does it provide you with some results?