Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
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4 years ago

[Inside Zephyr] Test Management Trends Explained by Zephyr Squad Product Owner

Hi Zephyr Squad Community!


We are wrapping up the Inside Zephyr event soon. This is your last chance to participate - watch the interview, answer the question under the video and win prizes. Event winners will be announced next week 🎉


Today’s Inside Zephyr interview is with Sanjeev Pande (sanjeevpande), Zephyr Squad Product Owner. In this interview, Sanjeev shares his views on the test management trends and how Zephyr Squad fits in.  
After you watch the interview, join in the discussion and you could easily win a prize*!
Today's topic for discussion:

How do you keep up with Test Management trends? Any books/courses/web sites you’d recommend?

Don't forget to subscribe to this event tag – InsideZephyr â€“ to get notified of all related posts and watch the great interviews we already posted with other Zephyr Team members! 
* Our expert group will monitor all replies under this post to determine the winners.
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