Forum Discussion

tanjatv's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Error on execution

1. Try to execute Test case from "my Test cases project in jira" - go to Zephyr - Search tests - choose one test and in ... choose "Execute " .

2. In window "Execute Test" choose "Execute Ad Hoc" - "Assign To "me"" - press Execute.

Current result : see Error and not open execution page


How we can resolve this problem? we are using the trial version of Zephyr.

  • Hi dmsnccer,

    As far as I see from the support case, the issue was resolved. Heres is a quote from the Support message:

    We were able to resolve this issue by first adding tests to a cycle then executing them in cycle summary or search test execution

    We were able to get the importer to work by adding the Reporter field to the create issue screen and using the account ID in the Excel

    Please check if this works for you as well and let us know the results.

5 Replies



    I'm able to reproduce the issue only once, but after clearing my browser cache everything works fine at my end.

    Can you please clear your browser cache and retry same operation again (or) Please recheck in incognito mode of the browser. If issue is still reproducible, please raise  Support ticket and add the console screenshot and har logs in the ticket for reference

    To provide har logs : Open the developer mode by right clicking anywhere on the page >> select inspect element >> switch to network tab >> right click >> save all as har with content




    • tanjatv's avatar
      New Contributor

      Was created support ticket 00464105. clear cache was not helpful .

      • dmsnccer's avatar
        Occasional Visitor

        I'm having the same problem. Any update on this problem?