Forum Discussion

BLC's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Zephyr Scale Cloud - Import Automation test results with additional details

Let me start with I am brand new to importing test results to Zephyr. I'm using testng and it is generating an xml with the test results. Currently I am putting them all in a zip file and using curl command in cmd to import the zip. 

Never used curl before so I had to play with it, I do get an error 

'autoCreateTestCases' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


This doesn't prevent the test cycle from being created. It still creates and the cmd shows me the location and ID. This part is all good however there is a lot more data that my automation is doing and more data in the test cycle. I was wondering if there is a way to populate these fields?
Test data:

  1. 1) I log steps with log4j and reporter.log which shows a message for each step I attempt to do in automation passing. These steps print to the junit.xml test results. Is there a way I can pass these into a comment on the test execution in Zephyr Scale Cloud?
  2. 2) I take screenshots, can I pass these screenshots as attachments to the test run?

Test Cycle fields:

right now all it does is create the test cycle with the test case added based upon the "key-T#" added to the test case name in automation. This creates the cycle and passes the over all status. I would also like to:

  1. 1) populate start and end dates for the cycle
  2. 2) populate the version and iteration number
    3) put the cycle in a sub folder
    4) pass the actual steps and not just the over all test
  3. 5) populate a custom field for environment (this is captured in the automation)

Are these types of things possible? What sort of edits can I do to the curl command or what other options do I have for importing test results from Java Selenium Testng suits?


Thank you for your time.

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