Forum Discussion

kcjun's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

In the report menu, how do I detect only the issues excluding the closed Jira among the cycle execut

In the report menu, how do I detect only the issues excluding the closed Jira among the cycle execution results?

- Jira Ver : Server

- Zephyr Scale Ver : v8.8.0

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    It's difficult to understand what information you need but I will try to guess.


    In Reports you can use the Custom Filter option and select Test Execution > Result > and then select the criteria you want to show, e.g. NOT "pass" (if you don't want to see Closed test cases).  There may also be a criteria in the filter for Has Issues - and that will show all test cases that have an Issue created in Jira.


    Was that what you wanted to know?

    • kcjun's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      i just want to make this very clear


      I want to search by excluding close status among jira bugs with the favorite filter function in the zephyr scale report menu.


      I want to query the test cycle "view in issue navigator" issue in the report menu

      i found the report menu Traceability into favorite filter function

      Step #3
      i do not found report menu execution & issue