Forum Discussion

Karthikeyanck's avatar
New Member
6 months ago

How to retrieve the deleted test cycles from the Zephyr scale ?

Hi All,

We are using the Zephyr scale in our organisation for test case creation and execution. By accidently someone has deleted the one of the test cycle which has 200+ executed test cases and it's test evidence. Is there any chance to retrieve them ? Please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Ouch!  The message received when you try to delete a test cycle is unambiguous - it cannot be undone - and I've not found a way to 'undo' a deleted test cycle.  SmartBear Support might be able to help.  I don't use this feature myself, but another thing you might want to do is to implement Scale security and limit what others can do with regards to Edit/Delete functions.