Forum Discussion

Bob_C's avatar
12 months ago

Burn Down Charts

I have a project that was recently completed, and tried to look at a Burn Down Chart for it.

I have 3 test plans P1, P2, P3 and these cover all of the test cases.

If I create a dashboard gadget forTest Execution burndown without any filters, and showing all executions, then I get 434 executions.  The last execution is on January 29.  There are 7 executions remaining at that time.  I was expecting to see 0 executions remaining.

If I use the same gadget, but instead of doing no filters, I use P1, P2, P3 test plans, then I get a total of 498 executions with 39 remaining on January 29.   

The odd thing is that the number of executions is higher using the filter, and there are some that now show as not executed.  

Oddly enough, if I change the period to Week or Month, I get 178 not executed.  This is when using the filter for the test plans.  I know that this is not correct.

Using the a different gadget, the Test Execution results overall, I get 434 out of 435 completed (no filter) and 389 out of 389 completes (with test plan filter).  These results seem to make more sense - I did find that I had one executions that was not associated with a test plan, and was not executed.

  1. Is this related to the other burndown chart issues I saw posted in threads?
  2. Is there another way to generate executions remaining over time for projects?  I would like a simple gadget to be used on a live dashboard.
  • Andy,

    I appreciate the followup. 

    At least there is some positive news and potential updates in process!

    From the feedback you got, it sound like SmartBear thinks they are displaying (correct) information in a (wrong) manner.  I believe that in my case they are displaying (wrong) information in a (wrong) manner.

    I have been back and forth with SmarBear on my issue.  They cannot reproduce what I am seeing (yet)


  • Butch's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Seems similar to the issue I'm seeing, all test cases (bar one which was deferred) have been completed, yet the Burndown shows this: 

    Says I still have 29 remaining to be executed! This was the criteria I put in: 

    Showing 100% done

  • Butch,

    I am still working with them on this.  They have requestied a lot of our data, which is hard for me to provide.  We are on data-center due to our security requirements and getting them full sets of project data they requested is not easy.  This issue seems pretty obivous to me, and I even mentioned in my communications to them about you having the same issue.

    Are you on cloud? They may be able to see your data easier if you open a similar ticket.

    In digging into this, I have found that there may be a couple of (non-ideal) workarounds available.

    1. When you generate a report, you can export all that data into excel.  From there you could potenially manipulate the data into a semi-useable form.
    2. In Jira, there is a way to create your own dashboard gadget, and there are zephyr dashboard gadgets that match the zephyr reports.  I am ASSUMING that there would be a way to create your own gadget that would create correct burn-down charts. 

    Both of these would require extra-ordinary effort to do, and something that I would expect SmartBear to provide out-of-the-box.

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Bob,

    My guess is that this is related to the long running issue with the burn charts in Scale, and how they work based on execution dates.  I've pasted below some feedback that Josh42 got from SmartBear support, 3 years ago.  Nothing has changed as far as I'm aware.

    I have created a support ticket and raised my concerns about this issue being outstanding for so long, and suggest you do the same if the reports/charts are important to you.

    As it turns out, the burndown and up charts as of now, use the date of the earliest execution as start date and the date of the latest execution of the final date and them on top of that it plots the chart it is plain wrong, so we are aware and we have addressed to get this fixed in the near future, also there are some known bugs in these charts, so eventually when you compare them they do not match correctly.

    As soon as we get it fixed, we will get back to you.

    Regards, Andy

    • Bob_C's avatar


      Thanks for the help, and reassurance that I am probably not doing anything wrong.  

      I created a support ticket:  Case #00599298: "Burn Down Charts Are Not Accurate"

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Bob,

    I got some feedback from SmartBear about the burn charts.  It's a while away yet but at least the news is positive, that this will be addressed in the next 12-15 months (I guess)...


  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Bob.  I discussed two issues with SmartBear but they're not specifically called out in the snippet I included.  So we should see a fix come in first for the 'correct info in a wrong manner' issue - whatever that is - and then later on a fix for burn chart issues where the use of the effective date is causing the report to chart incorrectly.  But in this latter one, I expect there to be a full review of that chart and for other issues to be addressed.  Interesting that you have another issue that can't yet be replicated!

  • Butch,

    Yes this is the same issue that I am seeing.  Seems that smarbear cannot see this isssue.  I am still going back and forth with them.  

  • Butch's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Bob_C, any update from SmartBear? I've getting pressure from the Project Managers that they can't visually see how a project is progressing and whether it's on track without seeing a correct Burndown chart. Unless there is a feasible workaround, hopefully SmartBear are looking to get some fixes in soon!

    • MisterB's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      Sorry to say that end of this year is the best we can currently hope for.  That's the news I got from SmartBear after pressuring them for a fix to this long-standing issue.

  • Butch's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thanks for the update Bob, yeah I've seen those gadgets and using a few for Project Test dashboards along with usual Jira gadgets, unfortunately no Burndown! ;) I'll have a go and see if it is possible to create a manual version. We're in the middle of migration to the Cloud so not much data to share. Hopefully you'll get an update soon.