Forum Discussion

SaiPrathyusha's avatar
Regular Visitor
6 years ago

How to run TestLeft tests on azure Virtual Machine

I have a physical machine with TestLeft installed and license activated . I have developed the scripts and able to run in my machine . But i want to run them on a virtual machine (accessed through RDP) without activating TestLeft license on

my VM.

Are there any other solutions to run TestLefts on a remote machine ?

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Floating subscription must be used in this case and your VM must have access to your license server.

    There was a series of articles at ("Cloud Testing With TestComplete", "Preparing Your Cloud Environment for Automated Testing", "Cloud Test Automation Tutorial", etc.) dedicated to AWS. Considering that TestLeft utilizes TestComplete/TestExecute runtime engine, I think that you may go through these articles and check if they are of any help for TestLeft on Azure.