How to match types with a Model + returning a list of objects (JSON)
For the love of God, can someone please help me? I've spent hours on this and don't know what's wrong.
So, TLDR: I'm calling some GETs, webscraping for info (4 pieces of info: company, location, title, url), storing it in structs and trying to create a JSON array of objects to return to the user on a POST request (/get_jobs).
In the handler, configureAPI is killing me. I basically take the params from operations.myFileHere and pass it into my function (it's just a list of strings/URLs), but the return/response type is killing me. WithPayload is taking in []*PostGetJobsOKBodyItems0. I called my struct in my file after this name (it's some generated one). And I return a list of pointers to structs but it still isn't happy....
How do I match the type of a model? Or how do I get the return type correct so that I can call WithPayload and it will all be good to go?
Please assist...
Some code below:
api.PostGetJobsHandler = operations.PostGetJobsHandlerFunc( func(params operations.PostGetJobsParams) middleware.Responder { list := params.ListOfUrls response := project.Main(list) //struc := &operations.PostGetJobsOK{response} return operations.NewPostGetJobsOK().WithPayload(?????) })
func Main(vals []string) []*PostGetJobsOKBodyItems0 { var list []*PostGetJobsOKBodyItems0 for _, element := range vals { company, job, location := get(string(element)) jobPosting := &PostGetJobsOKBodyItems0 { Title: job, Location: location, Company: company, Url: element, } fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(jobPosting)) fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(*jobPosting)) list = append(list, jobPosting)
type PostGetJobsOKBodyItems0 struct { Title string `json:"title"` Location string `json:"location"` Company string `json:"company"` Url string `json:"url"` }
responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: array items: type: object properties: title: type: string location: type: string company: type: string url: type: string Operations.responses: type PostGetJobsOK struct { /* In: Body */ Payload []*PostGetJobsOKBodyItems0 `json:"body,omitempty"` }