Forum Discussion

fazlook's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

What's the best scenario to compare UpdatedDate with a PUT REST request

I need to accomplish the following:


Send a first PUT request that creates something like :


"id": "1",
"name": "API",
"insertDate": "2016-12-22T15:52:40",
"updateDate": "2016-12-22T15:52:40"



Send another "SAME" PUT request to see if the updateDate will actually update


"id": "1",
"name": "API",
"insertDate": "2016-12-22T15:52:40",
"updateDate": "2016-12-22T15:52:50"



With nmrao help, I know how to use Script Assertion to Set properties values.


How do I compare those dates ? basically the updateDate in the second PUT should be > the original updateDate.


My own ideas are:


The insertDate/updateDate on the first PUT will be the same, but different on the Second PUT.....Can I use assertions to check my second PUT insert/update dates are different ?


Also, how do I check the date format did not change and it is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss


Thank you

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