7 years agoContributor
Need to know how to compare two json response one with json object and other with json array .
How about this:
log.info("start") def listA = [] def listB = [] def slurperA = new JsonSlurper().parseText(<json 1 text>) def slurperB = new JsonSlurper().parseText(<json 2 text>) slurperA.each { key, value -> loop(listA, key, value) } slurperB.each { key, value -> loop(listB, key, value) } log.info("matches: " + listA.intersect(listB)) log.info("mismatches A: " + listA.minus(listB)) log.info("mismatches B: " + listB.minus(listA)) log.info("done") def loop(list, key, value) { if(value.class == null) { if(value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { value.each { k, v -> loop(list, (key + '.' + k), v) } } else { //log.warn(key + ": empty") list.add((key)) } } else if(value.class == ArrayList) { value.each { loop(list, key, it) } } else { //log.info(key + " = " + value) list.add(key + " = " + value) } }
Will give you something like this:
Thu Nov 01 20:43:49 CET 2018:INFO:matches: [consumerProfile.consumerProfileIdentifier.profileID = 85750290, consumerProfile.consumerProfileIdentifier.type = UCPID,... Thu Nov 01 20:43:49 CET 2018:INFO:mismatches A: [_class = com.moneygram.coreservices.ProfileCacheService.web.model.ConsumerProfileCacheDocument, consumerProfile.auditEvent.agentID = 40307666,... Thu Nov 01 20:43:49 CET 2018:INFO:mismatches B: [consumerProfile.auditEvent.agentID, consumerProfile.auditEvent.sourceSystemUserID, consumerProfile.auditEvent.updateDate = 2018-10-30T11:34:35-05:00,...