Forum Discussion

kentjohnston's avatar
Occasional Visitor
3 years ago

manual soap call vs client

have made a soap service using 


based on a wsdl published by a company

(so they are the soap client, and I must make the soap service available)

it is running and manual requests to it reach logging successfully, however when the company sends using their client, they get

FATAL {http://companyurl/}CompanyService is not a valid service. Valid services are: {http://companyurl/}CompanyImplService

[edited for brevity]

the xml sample i made was from readyapi/soapui auto generating a sample, possibly that is not the exact same xml their client is sending, but what would cause this scenario?  the only thing I can find online is something to do with Qname settings on the client side?

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey kentjohnston,

    I cant answer your question per se, but i do have a suggestion that might help you diagnose the issue maybe.

    Ask the company to proxy the readyapi/soapui request via fiddler and get them to send the full RAW detail of their request and the response.

    Then you do the same from your end.

    Youll then be able to compare what they are sending to what works at your end and hopefully fix the issue maybe?

