Forum Discussion

Jack-Sparrow's avatar
Senior Member
5 years ago

Loadig external Properties files to Soapui Project(xml) using maven

i m trying to run a Soapui Project(ST-OrdnungsrahmenAPI-readyapi-project.xml) on the Pipeline using maven and tha work fine.


but know i try ti import some properties(Custom Properties) from file(ST_ordnungsrahmen_nn.txt) and than run the project.


for that i adapt  the pom.xml(See attached file) and i dont know if it the correct way to do that. if some one has any Idea how i can run it please give me your Feedback.


N.B: to run the soapui Project i use the following command:

mvn ${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} -Psoapui -Dendpoint=
clean install