Dynamic property means project XML changes after every run
The situation:
I have 1 test case (TC1) that dynamically creates a property (imagine a property received from a database, rest call, random number generator, etc.) and a 2nd test case (TC2) that uses the "Run TestCase" step to call TC1 and use the dynamic property as part of its test.
The problem:
Whenever I run the test (TC2) and save the project, the value of the property retrieved from TC1 is saved. If this is a truly dyanmic number like a random number then this means that every time I run the test and save it, my project XML will have changed. This is obviously a problem when committing to Git and seeing lots of irrelevant changes.
The question:
Is there a way of achieving the same set-up without creating these diffs?
I have attached a small example project that shows what I'm talking about, hopefully it'll help.
If you don't want to save this property, you can use either a groovy script test step at the end of your TC2, or a tear down script, that NULLs this data after running if all tests passed.
Here's a sample groovy script:context.testCase.testSteps["Run TestCase"].setPropertyValue("propFromTestCase1", "");