Forum Discussion

kadir's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

new text/xml project without WSDL

is it possible to create a project without WSDL?

  • Hey kadir 


    just ignore that specification detail.  


    In your screenshot, you are at the point when you've created an empty project and you've added a REST API service at the top (blue arrows).


    Can you see the '+ REST Resource'  button at the middle of the top of the screen? 


    Hit that button and then add in the full URL of your SOAP service and specify POST method - this will get you started.  You can then tailor your 'REST API' as though it's a SOAP Service'.


    I know it sounds a bit bonkers and it's a bit annoying cos visually it looks like a REST API - but the SOAP endpoint you will be posting messages to isn't cognizant of what you can see in ReadyAPI. It might appear as a REST API in ReadyAPI, but as long as you tailor the http, the method (nearly always POST for SOAP), the full URL, the payload and the header parms correctly (you only get header parms in SOAP requests - you don't get matrix, query or URI parms) to match what would be generated if you'd created the project from importing the .wsdl, the endpoint you're publishing your messages to, won't know the difference.


    hit me back if you have any further issues!





  • ChrisAdams's avatar
    Champion Level 2


    I'm using ReadyAPI 3.10.0 and yes, you can create a new project and create API definitions without WSDL.


    Click File - New Empty Project



    • kadir's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      ChrisAdams After creating new empty project then when you hit to create Api Definition, it gives you only two options, Rest or Kafka, attached picture, no option for xml types or soap types?


      • ChrisAdams's avatar
        Champion Level 2

        Good point.  I missed the XML bit.  I also test a SOAP API, but I have a WSDL.  That said, I could not see a way to handcraft calls to this API using SoapUI.


        You can do this in Postman if you have an example request.  You don't need the WSDL to create API definitions.  Just the URL and body if applicable.