How to modify existing teststep in SoapUI test suit by reading data from file using java?
I have a scenario where I have a wsdl url. I have created requests using java soap api and added those request to testsuit as a test Step.
Now I am have another requirement where I have to modify the request generated from wsdl and added to test suit as a test step by reading data from a File. Here is the code snippet.
WsdlOperation op = wsdl.getOperationAt(i);
String opName = op.getName();
reqContent = op.createRequest(true);
WsdlRequest req = op.addNewRequest(opName);
TestStepConfig testStep
Config = WsdlTestRequestStepFactory.createConfig(op,opName);
WsdlTestStep testStep=testCase.addTestStep(testStepConfig);
In rest of the code I am able to get the testSteps from test suits and I am able to read file data using java file API but I am not able to modify the test step data with data read from file.
here is the data in the TestStep:-
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">
Will appreciate If any one can help on this. This is a very urgent requirement from a Client to be implemented ASAP.